Human Life Value

We feel We don't need insurance :

Asset Forfeiture — FBI  I own assets like House, Car, Office , Property, Bank balance, Gold, Bullion ,Shares etc. My  children have the acumen to take care of themselves. And these assets are good enough to take care of my spouse and my children.
                       In case of any unfortunate event. I want to ask a simple question
         Will these asset's  take care of my day to day family expenses in my absence. 
These all  assets have some value. Similarly I as a human too should have value . let me explain this with an example.
                Image result for image of apple treeAssume you are a  farmer having Apple trees. 
             This apple  tree gives 10,000 apple per annum and cost of one apple is Rs.10. Each apple tree has a span life of 40 years. One fine day government came with a notification that there would be widening of road and your  apple tree is going to be cut in such road widening exercise. Now will you let  go such earnings.

   As rightfully mentioned ,"NO", we  should not let go off this apple tree earnings ,and hence the compensation rightly claimed would be  of  Value of Fruits * life span earning
which is equal to  10,000 *10 *40 years  which is comes  to 40 Lakhs.
                      When you lose one asset you should get compensated. 

Now these whole asset which you have created by your intellect, expertise and  talent . These are your endowments.
     You had that endowments hence you could create such asset.
        When you are there no risk is risk and when you are not there .......

Lets understand .Simple means to calculate HUMAN LIFE VALUE  is 
monthly salary*200 

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