Jeevan Lakshya must for a bread earner

Jeevan Lakshya is an ideal  plan :For every family where there is a sole bread earner. Four important financial goal can be listed as:

  • Child education- basic education (graduation)
  • Child career- Doctor, engineer,pilot,etc
  • Retirement fund: Self and dependent spouse
  • Medical emergency funds.

Keeping these goals  under consideration a person earning 1lakh  monthly , understanding  importance of leverage asset need to have monthly salary* 200 times as sum assured insurance. Which is 2 crore . Intially person decides let's first start with one crore sumassured and as and when income increase will increase cover by reviewing  financial goals.

Jeevan Lakshya being an ideal plan in this situation for insurance cum protection cum saving need is being opted.

Let's assume the policyholder is 30 years old and he is aware of this 4 goals.

Scenario one:

His policy starts in 2020 ,the policy term is 25 years ,he pays 5 lakh yearly premium and lic immediately adds same 5 lakh to the corpus yearly. The premium paying term is 22 years last three years there is premium holiday . Every thing goes well and on 25 th year policy holder gets 2.5 crore as matuarity amount and is happy by regularity of saving habit he is able to fulfill all his goals which are utmost important because of Lic jeevan Lakshya policy.

Scenario two : Assuming Mr. Ajay (policy holder)takes policy and  pays premium for 3 years on 4 year he met an accident and he dies. Family immediately gets 1 crore sumassured. 

           But did he buy policy for getting 1 crore ,no he had a target that his family should get 2.5 crore for his children,career and retirement fund( for spouse) on 2045 . Somebody has to pay premium so policy continues.Who shall pay the premium ? Lic does that. Thus because of one good decision his family will get what they deserve .

Till now I believe everyone would feel he made right decision.

The ultimate benefit of jeevan Lakshya policy. Every year nominee will get 10 percent of the sumassured  for meeting day to expenses, children education need.      i.e.10 lakh per annum till the policy term. And this amount will not be deducted from the maturity amount. 

Now Mr.Ajay family got 1 crore+ premium waived(5* 20 years) i.e.1 crore plus 10 lakh * 22 year (2.2 crore) plus the 2.5 crore on matuarity.

I believe nobody can do this to the family when u are not there.Even grandparents, uncle aunt wouldn't be able to do so. It's not that they don't want to they may not have capacity to do so.

Let's today get this plan as we care for our family.

Note: This plan sumassured can be selected as per your financial situation.
